In the past week many things have happened to Joshua Ryan

But there is one event that has really made it's mark.

Joshua Ryan got sick this week and is pretty much bed bound.

Let me tell you a little more about how my days went being sick

day 1: January 24, 2017

It all started on Tuesday morning in Core Studio, where I felt super nauseous and started to develop a fever. As the day went on I got sicker, developed a higher fever, diarrhea, head aches, etc. So that was day one. SO FUN!!! Best first day back

day 2: January 25, 2017

Pretty much the same as day one, except I skipped Core Lab Interaction [Sorry Michael :( ] but was sort of able to make it to Advanced Typography, with a lot of ducking out to go use the bathroom, with a lot of fidgeting also.

day 3: January 26, 2017

Fever has gone down! FINALLY!!! But still have to se the bathroom a lot, which also wasn't great for my lecture/ recitation class where I was stuck in a lecture hall with 100+ people. But anyways I am finishing this quick site off in bed, because I can't sit without needing to use the bathroom.

If any of you know how to cure this, holla at a brother!