an enormous amount of love can turn to hate when unreciprocated
me, facebook
sitting here smiling like an idiot with my eyes half closed
me, coffee shop
what happens when you love someone more than they love themselves?
me, journal
“love, a mass who will stand by”
friend, email
you are loved
dad, text
“maybe love is our religion”
friend, board
are you digging yourself in or out?
me, journal
go bother an actual cat
me, mind
we would rather be preventative than deal with life as it happens
me, journal
the tailoring of comfort
me, mind
anxiety: a layer that lays right under the skin and can rise to the surface whenever the past becomes ‘relevant’
me, journal
is writing in metaphors cowardly?
me, journal
everyone is the fucking same
me, mind
the wall has been cracked
me, mind
cringe cringe cringe
me, mind
the skull is the only real wall. everything else is just your mind
frank ocean, vocal
im good tho = most told lie
me, snapchat
“is there ever a moment where you can think of nothing?”
little girl, vocal
don’t make decisions based on fear
dad, vocal
dragging out the beginning because i'm afraid of the middle
me, board
swallow myself whole
friend, coffee shop
we are passionately over-consumed
stranger, magazine
preference vs. happiness...are they the same?
me, mind
logic vs. emotion. which one wins?
me, journal
it’s because of the emotion that the logic brings pain
me, journal
sometimes there are just those songs that make people wanna stare out of a rainy window looking all sad and pensive
me, coffee shop
entitlement is like an STD. spread through sexual activity. and everything is a sexual activity.
uber driver, vocal
i want eggrolls.
me, board
pet me please.
me, board
sex is a social construction
friend, coffee shop
“desire becomes surrender and surrender becomes power”
jarrod leto, vocal
we expect in order to protect ourselves from being hurt
me, mind
getcha life together girl
friend, coffee shop
my body is a container for other people’s emotions
me, mind
i am a sponge. making myself dirty so that you can be clean.
me, journal
at what point do you become too relatable?
me, board
empathy...a savior? or a demon in disguise?
me, instagram
i will seek out the same fate in an effort to take away some of your pain
me, mind
can you run out of fucks to give?
me, board
what is the sound of a relationship?
me, journal
creativity is the master of consent
me, facebook
the surface of my coffee echoes my writing
me, journal
the people in my dreams speak the same language but without the same rules and regulations
me, mind
the silence of wednesday morning
me, journal
when silence turns to shouting
me, journal
what is the difference between directing sound towards a physical body vs. a non-present one?
me, mind
“feelings are meant to be felt and expressed, not defined.”
friend, text
fuck wit our rights and we bites
me, instagram
mistakes don’t exist
me, mind
you are not that important
dad, vocal
everyone tryna quit something
me, mind
telling someone your favorite frank ocean song is equivalent to giving them the key to your soul
me, mind
“you can never tell what’s a fruit and what's a vegetable”
little sister, vocal
been on a joyride with my ego because she is the only one who can protect me from the wind
me, instagram