- feces
- urine
- saliva
- pus
- sweat
- blood
- the smell of meat
- the taste of meat
- rotting wood
- the smell of rot
- rotting food
- foods with dairy
- getting cancer
- giving a loved one cancer
- getting tuberculosis
- giving a loved one tuberculosis
- contaminating a loved one
- people i'm not comfortable with touching me
- the death of a loved one
- dying
- losing my personality
- losing my memory
- switching bodies with people
- losing my hair
- my body changing too much
- my hair color changing
- losing a limb
- going blind
- going deaf
- going color-blind
- becoming mute
- becoming anosmic
- permanent anesthesia
- paralyzation
- tsunami
- floods
- bombs
- war
- buildings falling down
- infrastucture failing
- cars
- car accidents
- that nobody cares about me
- people plotting against me
- my friends leaving me
- people thinking i'm crazy
- emotional/romantic relationships
- betrayel in a relationship
- that people hate me
- that people will forget about me
- getting hit by a loved one
- the number 3
- the color blue
- people with masks
- movie theatres
- circuses
- lack of sunlight
- hand washing
- rubbing
- scratching
- self harm
- spitting
- washing/cleaning things
- touching people
- touching things
- touching objects together
- repeating words
- repeating actions
- needing people to repeat words
- needing people to repeat actions
- repeating questions
- re-reading things
- rewatching things
- arrancing/rearranging things
- destroying objects
- cutting people off
- lack of trust