03: Remote Local

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The space I chose for this project was Jivamukti Cafe, located on the corner of Broadway and 13th street. I chose this space because I often go here to do work, and it is a very unique space as it is very quiet, calm, and serene. It is located within a yoga studio and is vegan so the people that frequent and are drawn to this cafe have common characteristics that may be described as "hippie/crunchy", which is only reflected through the cafe's menu and other aspects of its atmosphere.


In the remote/desktop version, I simply list the characteristics of the space and the user is free to imagine and build an image of the space/what goes on there given those cues, and as a reward they are shown a picture of what the cafe looks like at the end. Try it out here.


In the local/mobile version, I drew upon my own experience of truly "experiencing" and "noticing" the space and how i felt there while researching this project. The act of noticing itself had a very calming effect on me, and being truly present in this place of meditation and mindfulness really enhanced my experience. I wanted to mimic this effect by creating a "mobile guided meditation" that asks the user questions about the space, how they are feeling, and what they see/hear/smell.

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