My concept for the Weather API project is to compare the difference
in temperature between my hometown, Kuwait City, and New York City
through the several states that a popsicle goes through under different
weather conditions. I was really intrigued by how dependent a popsicles
reaction is to its environment and I wanted to explore that further. I also
wanted a way to get real-feel temperature of both Kuwait and New York,
side by side, in a way that
could be understood by all. Two popsicles are
shown, side by side in different
colors so that the viewer is able
to see both at the same time.
Temperature (celcius) :
When you open the site, the popsicle is in its natural state
If the temperature is 0 or below = freezing popsicle
If the temperature is 1 - 15 = popsicle begins to melt
If the temperature is 16 - 35 = popsicle melts more
If the temperature is 36 or above = popsicle completely dissolves
link to project 07
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