This is the first project of the semester, aka. Tiff and Michael's way of testing the water on everyone's skills! It is a simple story-telling assignment where we can only use html language and no styling, so bye css and jquery! At the time it was such a relieved for me, because it felt like summer break had put a hole in my bag of codding knowledge and I can barely remember any css tag.
LESSONS | Without a surprise, I learned so much from this project! Tiff and Michael's main goal in this assignment was to introduce to the idea that a "good website" doesn't need to have elaborate css decoration and javascript function! And that the first step to build any website is to buil the wireframe and the structure of it in html. As limiting as this assignment was, in a way, the limitation gave me the grounding rules I needed to create.
IMPROVEMENTS | There is so much that I can do to improve this expereince. Its success, if it has any, relies heavily on the use of .gif image of the alarm clock. In this assignment I created a piece that utilises the idea of stop motion animation, switching frame by frame, in this case, webpage by webpage, to mimick movement instead of using javascript function. Tiff gave me a feedback about needing to be more mindful with coding a webpage; that different browsers have different screen side, so if I use percentage to set the page's element instead of pixel, it would be somewhat more responsive.